great giveaway goodies for the lucky winner!

Mar 09 blog 

For this month's St. Patty's Day themed package… we've got a pretty purse note holder, a martini chill pill, a funny frog tape dispenser, the oh-so-handy chop2pot cutting board, some grow-your-own good luck clover, a million dollar bill and a pocket pewter lucky clover. ($59.55 value)

So how can you be the lucky one who gets these green goodies?

There are 3 ways to enter – you can do 1,2 or all 3 to better your chances.

1. Comment at the bottom of this post and tell us: Why are you lucky? (no registration or sign-up required)

2. Spread the word about our giveaway on your Facebook page by clicking the Share on Facebook link below then send us a message via Facebook saying that you did. *

3. Post our green giveaway on your blog (Feel free to copy our photo & info) Then leave a comment on this blog post so we know that you did. *

* just let your friends & followers know if they happen to win, you get some of the goodies too :-)

We'll draw the lucky firefly fan's name on Wednesday, March 11.

Have fun, good luck and thanks for playing!

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162 thoughts on “great giveaway goodies for the lucky winner!

  1. I’m lucky because I have the best job in the world – a stay at home mom to Abby, my two year old daughter. She makes me laugh everyday. Instead of wanting to sing Old McDonald, she’d rather listen to The Beatles or some disco. She’s full of sass and smiles and I’m blessed to spend every day with her.
    Another reason I’m lucky is because we’re *hopefully* moving to Berkley soon…I’ll be right down the street from one of my favorite stores!

  2. I am lucky because even though a water pipe broke in my home over Christmas, it is an unexpected opportunity to update (that wallpaper HAD to go!) :-)

  3. I’m lucky because I have a new niece who is healthy and beautiful! I’m also think I’m lucky just because I am very Irish!

  4. I am lucky, because I got out of a physically abusive relationship and now spend everyday being thankful for the little things.

  5. I am lucky because I have a great husband who was smart enough to shop for me for my recent birthday at Catching Fireflies. He got me some really cool stuff. Besides, he’s great to me every other day too! Rosemary

  6. I am so very lucky! I have a wonderful son, a fantastically supportive partner, a beautiful modest home, a career that I am proud of and many friends that are more like family. I am surrounded by love!

  7. I’m lucky/blessed to be the mom to almost 6-year-old triplet boys!…and our little princess is due this June! God is sooo good!

  8. I’m lucky because, I have friends and a family that love me and let me have access to the internet so I can get great email, like yours !!


  10. luck isn’t your family or friends, luck is what you have in yourself. if you’re lucky enough to have become a good person, the rest will follow suit. i like to think i’ve developed into a good person, through trial and error, and as of today, i’ve been lucky enough to endure some tragic events and come out, still alive and functioning.

  11. Luck is making the most of what you have along with superb timing.
    I’m lucky because I know my strengths and recognize when opportunity knocks. I’m also lucky because I have a sweet husband and two beautiful little girls who will forever be my “lucky clovers”.

  12. Well, I am lucky because I am blessed in life with a fabulous husband, 3 beautiful children & a life full of happiness. I couldn’t ask for more, really! I’ve posted this info on a mom’s site that lots of women read – not necessarily my blog (don’t have one!) but the closest thing I can get to it. The website is

  13. ~I am lucky, because I have a wonderful caing family and we are all in good health…I have a god given talent and I choose to share it with special needs families…I have amazing friends who are always there for me and I am most lucky because god gave me life and I can share that with the world!!

  14. I’m lucky to be married to Joe, to have a job (and one that I love) and to have a great family that keeps on growing!

  15. I’m lucky because I have a wonderful husband, the job I really wanted became available to me, and I have a new puppy.

  16. I am lucky because I was born on St. Patty’s day and my name is Kelly!! But the real reason I am lucky is because I have a wonderful husband, son & daughter!

  17. I am lucky because I have a caring and very helpful husband and three healthy sons – a busy two year old and 6 week old twins.

  18. I am lucky b/c I have a great job, counseling college students, and have co workers I really enjoy working with!

  19. I am lucky because I have a mischievous and lovable dog named Cooper who wags his tail each time I walk in the door. I have an amazing husband who is ready to share a kiss, when Cooper’s tail stops wagging. I am lucky to live in the underestimated, but never duplicated, Detroit Region, where people appreciate kindness, value manners and aren’t afraid of a challenge – no matter what the news says!

  20. I feel lucky because I have a wonderful mother who has recently finished her cancer treatments and has a wonderful life to look forward to!

  21. I’m lucky because the sun is shining – it’s a beautiful day and I’m checking out catching fireflies site.

  22. I am lucky because I am blessed with the best neighbors, friends and family a girl could have. Even though I have recently come upon some very bad times, probably the worst in my life, they have been there to support me in every imaginable way and I don’t know what I’d do without them.

  23. Melissa is lucky because she has a great family and its a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest!!
    AND One more day closer to spring!!!

  24. I am lucky because I have a husband who tolerates my slob mentality, a son who loves me just for being me, and a great friend in TN who is as crazy as I am!

  25. I lucky to still have a job, a house, a car, family and friends that love me, a beautiful healthy daughter who listens to her mom sometimes, and 4 furry friends (1 dog- 3cats)at home that love to cuddle.

  26. I’m the luckiest mom right now- just got back a cancer free confirmation- so my boys are stuck with me for awhile!

  27. Believe it or not..through tough times the sun is still shining above us all.
    I am miles away from my friends and family but so lucky to have a job, a car, health.
    My parents are going through tough times (divorce), but I am lucky to be able to say I have a mother and father.
    Nothing worse than a sick pet that cannot express there feelings! I am happy and able to say I have a healthy kitty too!

  28. After being told for 20 years I would never be able to have children, I’m lucky/surprised/blessed to be sitting here with our 3 year old son, and 1 year old baby girl who make us laugh with joy until our sides hurt at least once every single day…

  29. Lucky? I find myself remembering how lucky I am when I get down and I can hear my husband utter the words that can only make me feel better “things have always worked out for us, and they always will”. These words make me think that my luckiness begins with an amazing husband, the smile of my (soont to be) 3 year old son or the laughter I experience every time I speak to family or friends. Lucky can not begin to describe my life.

  30. I feel blessed that in these struggling times I have managed to find a job and I know I am going to LOVE it even though it is a new carreer path!!! LIFE IS GOOD!

  31. I feel lucky every morning I wake up, and today with the sun shinning made it even better. Took a 4 mile walk.I am blessed with a wonderful family and many friends and espically My Mom who is 96 yrs young. How lucky is that?

  32. I am incredibly lucky because we are about to celebrate the 18 month mark of my son’s open heart surgery. He had the surgery at 2 months of age and, at the time we were going through it, we never thought we’d get to this point. Not only have we gotten to it – his cardiologist now does not need to see him but once a year! We are lucky because we were able to bring our son home…we know that others were not so lucky.

  33. I’m lucky because I have my mom to care for, four beautiful children and four wonderful grandchildren, a job to hate and a sunny sky to appreciate.

  34. I’m lucky because my 3 year old told me today that we have a secret just for us: When I say “I love you”, instead of saying “I love you too”, she just says “TOO!” and throws her arms around my neck. Best luck ever.

  35. I’m lucky because I come from a family who accepts you for who you are and loves you no matter what. I hopefully passed that along to my sons, whose girls seem to be the very same way. It’s not what you have, it’s who you have beside you. And, I’m blessed to have THE BEST!

  36. No matter what happens day to day, I feel like the luckiest person I know because my husband got a great job after being out of work for eight months; my daughters are teenagers and still like me (!); I have a great mom and a great mother-in-law in excellent health; and I have the finest friends that I would do anything for. With all that, I am happy: unbelievably happy.

  37. I’m lucky (i.e. “blessed”) because God loves me even when I mess up. I am also lucky to have a wonderful 11 year old son who lights up my life, a great support group of friends, my health, my job and freedom in the good ol’ USA! God Bless America!

  38. I am so lucky to have my two beautiful twin daughters (who were born on St. Patrick’s Day) and my supportive husband.

  39. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful son, born healthy and happy even though I was an older mother and had some issues during my pregnancy. I have a patient husband and a wonderful family

  40. i am the lucky one!
    i have a job that is recession proof…a stay @ home mom w/
    a small crafty business on the side…lucky, lucky, lucky!

  41. I’m lucky because I know there is a silver lining to every cloud and that life holds many opportunities for love, growth and good – that awareness keeps me in a mentally good space through good times and challenging times.

  42. I feel lucky and blessed because my first pregnancy is going great – we got to see the baby for the first time yesterday! :)

  43. I am lucky because I just found out I am going to be a grandmother for the first time.
    My daughter surprised me and flew home from Virginia. She knocked on the door and when I opened it there she was standing with a t shirt on that said “Your Grandchild inside. and an untra sound picture of the baby.

  44. i am lucky because i get good grades and i have good friends and have had some really good luck like i have a natural ice skating rink in my backyard

  45. I am lucky because I have wonderful friends who support me everyday. Without friendship were would we be? I love my family, but my friends have become my rock!

  46. Lucky Me!!!! I have clean water to drink, enough food to keep me healthy, a sturdy roof over my head, heat (and 7 kitties) to keep me warm and a family that loves.

  47. I’m LUCKY because I have the most amazing husband a girl could ever ask for! I’m extra LUCKY because I have the most loving kids a mom could ever ask for!;)


  49. I am lucky because God is good! I also am lucky because I have a wonderful son and daughter. I have my health and good friends.

  50. My husband is successfully recovering from aortic surgery. . . and we’re both still employed.
    Life is good.

  51. i am lucky because i have an awesome family who loves me, im gonna spend a year abroad next year, and god loves me. and all of us.

  52. I am lucky because because I appreciate all the amazing things that happen in my life despite all the negatives. I really enjoy your newsflash & blog, it always makes me smile!

  53. I am one of the luckiest people alive. I have a fantastic job as a 3rd grade teacher that I LOVE. I look forward every day to going into work, because it is work I enjoy! I also am lucky because I have an amazing, supportive group of friends, and a family that I have learned so much from over the years. Yes, there’s a lot of turmoil in the world right now, but I’m lucky because I’m happy, and no one can take that from me without my permission!

  54. I am lucky because I have the most wonderful family anyone could ask for. 6 children (4 are step children and 2 are originals), 5 significant others, 8 grandkids and one on the way, and a wonderful husband. Thank you God/universe!!

  55. I am LUCKY because I can read this, type on a computer, and talk when I want. I have a wonderful fun filled life with my family and friends and I can shop at Catching Fireflies whenever I want.

  56. after a long wait, i had a baby girl who was born in march and we’ll be celebrating her 3rd birthday this month!

  57. I am lucky to be alive. A few years back I was in a car accident where my car was totalled and I walked away with only scratches. I wake up every day and see my husband and kids faces and think of how lucky I am. I know that I am doing the best I can with what I have to teach them how to love, learn and live the happiest life possible.

  58. I’m so lucky because I survived anaphylaxis with anoxia; I had to retire from my beloved teaching of kindergarten because of this allergic life-changing event. Life gives us challenges; after two years I could read again. With the help and support of my family and many, many doctors I have adjusted, and appreciate the tinest of things more than ever.
    I have family and friends who have learned to understand my ‘changes’ and they accept me for who I am, what I am able to do, and they love me just the same. My husband, daughters and their husbands are supportive and helpful; I am the luckiest person alive!

  59. I’m lucky because I have a great husband, a wonderful family, and great friends! I count my blessings everyday :)

  60. I’m lucky because I’m happy, healthy, have a handsome husband, hilarious hound-dog, hysterical son, and love my life!!

  61. I am very lucky… I was widowed at the age of 29 with a 2 month old son, lost my parents and two older brothers to cancer and have no other family but that doesn’t matter. I have God and I have my wonderful son who is now 17. I’ve raised him all by myself and worked hard to provide good things for him. I’m lucky to be such a devoted mother who has raised a child totally alone with no help from anyone and have never asked for money from anyone. My son is grown now – I did it!!!!

  62. I am lucky because even though my life is not the fairy tale I thought it would be and work is hard with long hours, I enjoy every minute I get with my wonderful husband and soul mate. I have the person who understands me and loves me no matter what and I am truly lucky to be with him.

  63. I am so lucky to be happily married, have 3 [nearly grown] children, be working full time, and have a craft/hobby I am passionate about!

  64. I am lucky because I am blessed by God and have my sins forgiven. Also, this month I will be 59 years old and am very healthy. I am hopeful that the financial future for our country will get back to being great,maybe not right away, but soon. In the mean time, I am thrifty and thankful for all I have.

  65. I’m lucky because I have wonderful friends and family, and two jobs. I am also lucky because I choose to be! :)

  66. I am lucky because even though I lost my job to the economy, I have a wondeful supporting husband that loves me unconditionally. I have two beautiful children who are sweet and caring.. Family is soo important. Thats why I am lucky

  67. I am lucky for many reasons, a great family, a few good friends, but I’m really lucky right now because even though my Grandmother is dying from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and we’ll be lucky if she makes it to Easter, I have known since January how grave the situation is and have been able to share some wonderful time just sitting with her and enjoying her company. I’m lucky that I get to tell her how much I love her and how much I will miss her when she’s gone! And I get to help take care of her as her body is failing her. And this gives me the greatest joy. Just knowing that scooping her up and laying her down in her bed makes her life that much easier makes me feel very lucky!

  68. I am lucky because I am currently cancer free. Also both my parents are alive and well in there 80’s and have been married to each other a long 60 years!!

  69. I am lucky because my husband bought me a BEAUTIFUL mother’s necklace from Catching Fireflies. It has my daughter’s name on one charm & her birthdate on the other. I receive so many compliments on it & I feel like the luckiest mom in the world!

  70. My husband has been unemployed for almost 2 years and we have been able to keep our house.
    I am lucky!
    I have a new grandson who is healthy.
    I am lucky!

  71. I am lucky because there is a catching firefly’s store very close to my house and I get to go there and buy gifts for people I love!

  72. I’m very lucky because I have a terrific family who would do anything for me, a boyfriend who is totally in love with me, and I him, just found a nanny job which I love and love the kids and they love me, and God who is with me for every good and bad moment I have. People don’t realize that life could be so much worse than how we have it. I am healthy, have people that love me, and I get by….life is good.

  73. I consider myself lucky because I have my health and the most amazing friends and family that a girl could ask for!

  74. I am lucky because I am Irish and live under a four leaf clover. Although I have been a widow for 6 years.I had over 41 years of marriage with my beloved and he left me with 3 beautiful children, 6 wonderful grandchildren and now a beautiful great granddaughter who looks just like my husband. My cup truly runs over. Luck of the Irish.

  75. Sometimes, I think I am the world’s luckiest person. I have good health, a wonderful family and a job I enjoy. And spring is coming to Michigan!!!

  76. Why am I lucky? Because of my love and respect for nature and animals. Because of the roof over my head. Because of the best friends and family one could wish for. And because of the countless other things there is no room to express. Grateful every day for all of it.

  77. I am lucky to be a stay at home mom with twin girls (2-1/2) that are angels and a great husband that helps out a lot more than most husbands! And we are going away for Sat night (the first night away from the girls in 2-1/2 years). I am lucky my sister is going to stay with the girls for us!!

  78. I’m so lucky to have my parents in my life along with my 5 siblings. Add in my 4 adult children, 4 young, healthy, happy grandchildren, and my lucky multiplies…..

  79. Life is a FaNtAsTiC gift in itself! Simply said, I am lucky because I woke up today, I live in a country with freedom and opportunity, and I have a very loving family & super fun group of friends.

  80. I am lucky because I have a job in the field I want to work in, a boyfriend who loves me for me, and a family that supports my every move.

  81. I am lucky because I am busy with things that bring me fulfillment. I am lucky to be so driven to achieving such a important goal. I am lucky to have so many people in my life that truly care about me. I am lucky to have to have the best friend in the world. I am lucky to be alive.

  82. I am lucky that I have a happy, healthy family. A cozy home, and a great job as a special education teacher that keeps me busy and entertained!

  83. I am lucky because luck is in my very green blood. I’m from an extremely Irish background and enjoy ever minute of it, especially St. Patrick’s Day. I have a big supportive family who love and enjoy life and who they are. I have dedicated friends who put everyone first before themselves and are always teaching me great life lessons. I’m lucky because I live in a nice house, with no illness or injury, a great neighborhood (ROCHESTER!) and I’m loved. As Oprah Winfrey says “Luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” I am the luckiest girl you will ever meet and am lucky to say it.

  84. I have a wonderful life with a kind and loving husband, great family and friends. My health is good and I am living an intentional life. I am blessed!

  85. I’m lucky because: my grandmother’s maiden name was Lucky (and she was the coolest Nana!), I have a good job that I enjoy, I’m Irish, and the most important reason – I have 2 beautiful children that remind me to laugh, dance when I feel like it, and to make every day a chance to play!

  86. I am lucky (blessed) to have a wonderful family, some of whom I just met, to be healthy, and know my God through my savior Jesus!

  87. Hi…well I feel lucky cuz my sis purchased one darn cute clock at your store for my birthday recently LOL…OMG I LUV IT! and that of course turned me onto your site…so how lucky am I!! WHOOOHOO. Ty for the chance…and I will be shopping soon for my sis’s bday now…too fun!LUV YOUR STUFF! Cher

  88. I am lucky because when things get tricky in life, I always have a support system of my loving family to get me through. We all look out for one another. And I am beyond lucky because that extremely loved family is healthy.
    PS…hahaha that frog tape despenser is freakin hilarious lol :D

  89. I’m lucky because I have pet chickens that give me fresh eggs, make me laugh. My kids love them as much as others love their family dog. I also appreciate my health, my family, my job etc. but I was trying to be original.

  90. I am lucky for many reasons, I have a wonderful job,in a dept., that I have held different positions for the past 25 years, with a wonderful boss. One of my daughters is getting married in June to a wonderful man. My other daughters are healthy and doing well. I am so lucky I made it and hopefully still have my sanity, through 3 teenage girls. Thank you for letting me express this.

  91. I’m lucky because I just lost my job after 23 years. Everyday was stressful but now I am sure a new door will be opening soon. I just don’t know what’s behind it.

  92. I’m lucky because I found the best Salvation Army resale shop…which has the coolest denim overalls…which includes the ever-most-coolest Oshkosh B’Gosh overalls for $4 that I got yesterday! (adult size…which they don’t even make anymore!!) So comfortable, so cheap and they make me so happy!

  93. I am lucky because I can actually visit your Rochester store this month as I am coming for a visit. Usually I have to shop online as I live in CA so it will be a treat for me!

  94. I’m lucky because I woke up this morning and shared jelly filled donuts with my three precious kids! and I frequent a store full of treaures called Catching Fireflies…

  95. I’m lucky because even though times have been tuff financially we as a family have stuck together and keep getting stronger.

  96. I am lucky to have my health and an awesome family. I also have a great job, I get to teach kids everyday and make a positive impact on our future.

  97. I’m lucky because I met Flora on FACEBOOK and am bowled over by her art! I am also lucky because her facebook post led me here and I love this site! And I love the giveaway stuff!! And the whole giveaway idea!!

  98. I’m lucky because despite my lack-o-computer knowledge, I have managed to post my lucky blurb here (TWICE – oops, didn’t see it the first time, duh! And tried to remove one but couldn’t – sorry), put the link on my facebook page, shared it via a facebook message with several friends and NOW posted it to my blog at
    This was hard for me and I didn’t do it perfectly but I DID do it! Ta da!!!

  99. I am Lucky because I have been blessed with a Wonderful Husband, and a Beautiful Daughter who is healthy and perfect; who gives me the most inspiration to life itself!

  100. I am lucky enough to recognize happiness comes in the form of a sloppy kiss from a two year old, a lightbulb moment when something just “clicks” with me and laughing an afternoon away with an old friend. What a lucky life!

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