2009 dad’s day gift guide

We may be a girly store, but I think you'll be surprised to find we have a super cool selection of goods for dear-ole-dad.  Whether he likes to golf, spends a lot of time at the office or enjoys a good laugh…  Here are this year's 49 picks for the great guys in your life.

Office copy 

1. blob ball $3.25   2. please hold handset $21.00  3. 50 year calendar 12.95  4. fish push pins $7.25  5. pewter 'last minute' letter opener $21.95  6. USB airplane fan $17.95  7. pewter 'roll with it' desk trinket $13.50

Kids copy 

1. Daddies are for catching fireflies book $6.99  2. handmade photo frame $19.50  3. Go ask your father card deck $8.25  4. thumb wrestling arena $7.95  5. pewter 'I love you – this much' key chain $8.50  6. picture pen $7.95  7. 'Made with love' coupon book $7.95

Golf copy 

1. 1000 golf holes you must play before you die $34.95  2. exploding golf ball $3.50  3. miniature golf book $14.95  4. 501 excuses for a bad golf shot $8.95  5. handmade golfer dog sculpture $110  6. alligator stapler $16.95  7. 1,000,000 dollar bill $1.00

Libation love copy 

1. beer bottle lime platter $14.50  2. vinoglobe wine decanter $14.95  3. wine journal $13.50  4. wine thermometer cuff $9.95  5. shark bottle opener $10.95  6. recycled corona bottle juice glass $8.95  7. golf ball bottle stopper $26.50

Jokester copy 

1. shower microphone $7.95  2. extendable fork $6.95  3. Dadisms $9.99  4. You know…republican/democrat if book $9.95  5. toothpick bird holder $8.50  6. lock jaw clip $4.00  7. beer hammer $11.50 

Over 60 copy 

1. 101 things to do book $11.99  2. 45 record frame $31.95  3. grandpa keepsake journal $15.95  4. ny times baby boomer headliners newspaper $13.95  5. grand old game of baseball book $29.95  6. pocket peepers reading lens $12.50  7. reinventing retirement $24.95

Everything copy 

1. Do you know your wife? quiz $5.95  2. cell phone holder $6.50  3. magnetic propane tank gauge $3.75  4. crap cars book $14.95  5. Italian money pot $36.50  6. head tingler $7.50  7.magnetic handmade toaster tong $12.50

This is just a sampling of some of our great ideas.  Click HERE to see what other goodies we have in store for special dads.

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